What is copy-on-modify Semantics in R

What is copy-on-modify Semantics in R

The copy-on-modify semantics is a memory management technique that modifies one or more objects, copies those objects to a new location in memory, and makes some modifications there, leaving the original unchanged. There are two types of copying in R: Lazy copying Copy-on-modify Lazy copying When you assign an existing object to a new variable, … Read more

How to Calculate Mean in R

How to Calculate Average in R

Mean means the arithmetic average of a number in mathematics. An average is the sum of total numbers divided by the count of the numbers. To calculate the arithmetic mean of a vector or dataset in R, use the mean() function. The above figure shows the simplest example of the mean, which returns 2.5. Syntax … Read more

R ln() Function (SciViews Package)

R ln() Function (SciViews Package)

The ln() function from the SciViews package calculates the natural log of the input vector. R does not come with an ln() function but provides a log10() function. Syntax ln(x) ln1p() lg() lg1p(x) E lb() Parameters x: It is a numeric or complex vector. Return value It returns the natural logarithm of a value. Example … Read more

How to Convert List to Numeric in R

How to Convert List to Numeric in R

To convert a list to a numeric value in R, you can combine the unlist() function and the as.numeric() function. The “unlist()” function produces a vector that contains all the atomic components and the as.numeric() function returns a numeric value or converts any value to a numeric value. Syntax as.numeric(unlist(data)) Parameters data: It is the data … Read more

How to Use “lwd” in R

How to Use lwd in R

The lwd in R is used to specify the width of plot lines. It is a parameter that can be set in various plotting functions, such as plot(), lines(), abline(), etc. Syntax of lwd parameter plot( x, y, pch = 1, cex = 1, col = 1, bg = 0, lwd = 1, lty = … Read more

How to Convert Float to String in R

How to Convert Float to String in R

Here are three ways to convert a float to a string in R: Using as.character() Using sprintf() Using toString() Method 1: Using as.character() The as.character() function generates a string representation of a provided argument. float_val <- 21.19 chr <- as.character(float_val) chr Output [1] “21.19” To check the variable data type, use the typeof() function. float_val … Read more

How to Convert Double to Int in R

How to Convert Double to Int in R

To convert a double or float to an integer, you can use the “as.integer()” function. Syntax as.integer(x) Parameters x: It is the object. Return value It returns an integer object. Visual representation Example 1: Converting a float to an integer r_float <- 11.21 print(r_float) print(typeof(r_float)) r_int <- as.integer(r_float) print(r_int) print(typeof(r_int)) Output [1] 11.21 [1] “double” … Read more