R dirname() Function

R dirname() Function

The dirname() function in R is used to extract the path to the directory from a full file path. Essentially, it returns the directory part of a file path, excluding the file name. This function is often used in conjunction with other file-handling functions like basename() (which extracts the file name) and file.path() (for constructing … Read more

R seq_along() Function

R seq_along() Function

The seq_along() function in R is used to generate a sequence of integers along the length of its argument. Syntax seq_along(len) Parameters len: It takes a length as an argument. Return value It returns an integer vector unless it is a long vector when it will be double. Example 1: Basic usage of seq_along() seq_along(LETTERS[1:5]) … Read more

R as_tibble() Function

as_tibble() in R

The as_tibble() function in R is used to convert objects like data frames, lists, or matrices into tibbles. Tibbles are a modern take on data frames but with some added conveniences and changes to behavior. A tibble is a type of data frame with advantages over regular data frames, such as enhanced printing and subsetting. … Read more

How to Append Data Frames in R

How to Append Data Frames in R

Here are three ways to append data frames in R: Using rbind() Using dplyr::bind_rows() Using nrow() Method 1: Using rbind() This function is used to append all data from the second data frame at the end of the first data frame. Syntax rbind(a, b) Parameters The a is input data. The b is the data that needs to … Read more