What is is.vector() Function in R

What is is.vector() Function in R

A vector is a data structure that stores multiple values of the same type.  The is.vector() function does not merely check whether an R object is a vector. Instead, it checks whether an input object is a vector with no attributes other than names. Syntax is.vector(obj, mode) Parameters Name Value obj It is an input … Read more

What is is.null() Function in R

What is is.null() Function in R

Overview Whether working on a small program or project, if a function receives a “NULL” value when it is not expected, it can lead to an error or unexpected results. To avoid this type of unexpected error, we have to put a mechanism in place that checks whether the input is “NULL” or not. This … Read more

How to Convert List to Numeric in R

How to Convert List to Numeric in R

To convert a list to a numeric value in R, you can combine the unlist() function and the as.numeric() function. The “unlist()” function produces a vector that contains all the atomic components and the as.numeric() function returns a numeric value or converts any value to a numeric value. Syntax as.numeric(unlist(data)) Parameters data: It is the data … Read more

How to Use “lwd” in R

How to Use lwd in R

The lwd in R is used to specify the width of plot lines. It is a parameter that can be set in various plotting functions, such as plot(), lines(), abline(), etc. Syntax of lwd parameter plot( x, y, pch = 1, cex = 1, col = 1, bg = 0, lwd = 1, lty = … Read more

How to Convert Double to Integer in R

How to Convert Double to Int in R

To convert a double or float to an integer, you can use the “as.integer()” function. Syntax as.integer(x) Parameters x: It is the object. Return value It returns an integer object. Visual representation Example 1: Converting a float to an integer r_float <- 11.21 print(r_float) print(typeof(r_float)) r_int <- as.integer(r_float) print(r_int) print(typeof(r_int)) Output [1] 11.21 [1] “double” … Read more

R dirname() Function

R dirname() Function

The dirname() function in R is used to extract the path to the directory from a full file path. Essentially, it returns the directory part of a file path, excluding the file name. This function is often used in conjunction with other file-handling functions like basename() (which extracts the file name) and file.path() (for constructing … Read more

R month.abb

R month.abb

The month.abb is a built-in R constant, a three-letter abbreviation for the English month names. Example 1: Basic usage month.abb Output [1] “Jan” “Feb” “Mar” “Apr” “May” “Jun” “Jul” “Aug” “Sep” “Oct” “Nov” “Dec” Example 2: Changing abbreviations to numerical month values If you have a vector of integers consisting of the number of the month, then … Read more

R seq_along() Function

R seq_along() Function

The seq_along() function in R is used to generate a sequence of integers along the length of its argument. Syntax seq_along(len) Parameters len: It takes a length as an argument. Return value It returns an integer vector unless it is a long vector when it will be double. Example 1: Basic usage of seq_along() seq_along(LETTERS[1:5]) … Read more

Pi in R: Built-in Constants

Pi in R Tutorial

Pi is a built-in R constant whose value is 3.141593. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Syntax pi Visual representation Example 1: Basic usage print(pi) Output [1] 3.141593 Example 2: Exponential value of pi To calculate the exponential value of pi, use the exp() function. exp(pi) Output [1] … Read more