R Advanced

R seq_along() Function

The seq_along() function in R is used to generate a sequence of integers along the length of its argument.




len: It takes a length as an argument.

Return value

It returns an integer vector unless it is a long vector when it will be double.

Example 1: Basic usage of seq_along()

Figure of using seq_along() function in RFigure of using seq_along() function in R



[1] 1 2 3 4 5

In this example, we are creating vectors using LETTERS.

You can see that it returns the indices of the vector elements.

Example 2: Using  with c()

Figure of using c() function with seq_along() functionFigure of using c() function with seq_along() function

seq_along(c(1.1, 2.1, 1.9, 1.8))


[1] 1 2 3 4

Example 3: Looping

vec <- c(1.1, 2.1, 1.9, 1.8)

# Looping over a vector using seq_along
for (i in seq_along(vec)) {
  print(paste("Element", i, "is", vec[i]))


[1] "Element 1 is 1.1"
[1] "Element 2 is 2.1"
[1] "Element 3 is 1.9"
[1] "Element 4 is 1.8"

Example 4: Handles Zero Length

If the input vector is of length 0, this function returns an integer vector of length zero, often the desired behavior in loops or other constructs where the input might be empty.

# Empty vector
empty_vec <- numeric(0)

# Sequence along an empty vector
sequence_empty <- seq_along(empty_vec)

# Print the sequence (will be an empty integer vector)



Using seq_along() is safer than using 1:length(x) because if x is of length zero, 1:length(x) returns 1:0, which is a sequence of two elements (1 and 0), not an empty sequence.

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