as.double() and is.double() Functions in R Language

as.double() and is.double() Functions in R Language

Whether you want to perform calculations efficiently or derive accurate analysis, you need a double-precision numeric format. Double-precision numbers provide higher precision than single-precision numbers making it more efficient in numeric calculations. That’s where as.double() and is.double() functions come into the picture. as.double() The as.double() function converts an input R object, such as integers or characters, … Read more

What is is.complex() function in R

What is is.complex() function in R

If you are working with imaginary components, you might want to find whether you are working with complex numbers or not and that’s where the is.complex() function helps you. The is.complex() is a built-in R function that checks whether an input object is of type “complex”. It returns TRUE if it is complex and FALSE … Read more

What is is.character() function in R

What is is.character() function in R

R does not have a “string” data type like other languages, but it does have a “character” type.  Whether you want to identify character columns, text processing, or data validation, you must check whether the object is a character or not before operating on it. That’s where you need a function that does identification. is.character() … Read more

What is is.vector() Function in R

What is is.vector() Function in R

A vector is a data structure that stores multiple values of the same type.  The is.vector() function does not merely check whether an R object is a vector. Instead, it checks whether an input object is a vector with no attributes other than names. Syntax is.vector(obj, mode) Parameters Name Value obj It is an input … Read more

What is is.null() Function in R

What is is.null() Function in R

Overview Whether working on a small program or project, if a function receives a “NULL” value when it is not expected, it can lead to an error or unexpected results. To avoid this type of unexpected error, we have to put a mechanism in place that checks whether the input is “NULL” or not. This … Read more

How to Convert List to Numeric in R

How to Convert List to Numeric in R

To convert a list to a numeric value in R, you can combine the unlist() function and the as.numeric() function. The “unlist()” function produces a vector that contains all the atomic components and the as.numeric() function returns a numeric value or converts any value to a numeric value. Syntax as.numeric(unlist(data)) Parameters data: It is the data … Read more

How to Convert Double to Integer in R

How to Convert Double to Int in R

To convert a double or float to an integer, you can use the “as.integer()” function. Syntax as.integer(x) Parameters x: It is the object. Return value It returns an integer object. Visual representation Example 1: Converting a float to an integer r_float <- 11.21 print(r_float) print(typeof(r_float)) r_int <- as.integer(r_float) print(r_int) print(typeof(r_int)) Output [1] 11.21 [1] “double” … Read more



The is a built-in R constant, a three-letter abbreviation for the English month names. Example 1: Basic usage Output [1] “Jan” “Feb” “Mar” “Apr” “May” “Jun” “Jul” “Aug” “Sep” “Oct” “Nov” “Dec” Example 2: Changing abbreviations to numerical month values If you have a vector of integers consisting of the number of the month, then … Read more

Pi in R: Built-in Constants

Pi in R Tutorial

Pi is a built-in R constant whose value is 3.141593. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Syntax pi Visual representation Example 1: Basic usage print(pi) Output [1] 3.141593 Example 2: Exponential value of pi To calculate the exponential value of pi, use the exp() function. exp(pi) Output [1] … Read more