What is as.vector() Function in R

The as.vector() function converts an input R object into a vector. The object can be anything like a matrix, array, or factor. The return value is a vector.

When you convert the matrix to a vector, it will remove the attributes, such as dimension, to transform into a vector.

When you convert a factor to a vector, it will remove the attribute, such as level, to transform it into a vector.

It does not always perform as expected when converting a list with elements of different types to a vector. Instead, you can use the unlist() is the standard and more appropriate function for converting a list to a vector.


as.vector(obj, mode = "any", proc.dest = "all")


Name Value
obj The object can be anything like matrices, arrays, or factors that will be converted into a one-dimensional vector format.
mode It is a character string giving an atomic mode or “list” or (except for ‘vector’) “any”.
proc.dest It is a destination process for storing the “matrix”.

Converting a matrix to a vector

Converting a matrix to a vector

mtrx <- matrix(c(1:9), 3, 3)

vec <- as.vector(mtrx)


Converting a matrix to a vector using as.vector()

Converting an array to a vector

Converting an array to a vector using as.vector() function

# Creating an array
arr <- array(c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(2, 2))

# Calling as.vector() Function
cat("After converting an array to vector", "\n")


Converting an array to vector in R

Converting a factor to a vector

You can use the as.vector() function to convert the factor into a character vector.

main_factor <- factor(c("apple", "banana", "apple", "orange"))

# Converting factor to vector
vec_factor <- as.vector(main_factor)

print(vec_factor) # "apple" "banana" "apple" "orange"
print(typeof(vec_factor)) # character

Checking if a variable is a vector

The is.vector() function checks if the input object is a vector.

Checking if a variable is a vector in R

mtrx <- matrix(c(1:9), 3, 3)

vec <- as.vector(mtrx)



[1] TRUE

That’s it.

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