How to Remove Duplicates from a Vector in R

Remove Duplicates from a Vector in R

Duplicate elements in a vector means those elements appear more than once. Duplicates can skew the data analysis and lead to inaccurate results. Removing them leads to more reliable insights. In R, unique() and subsetting with !duplicated() are efficient ways to remove duplicates. Method 1: Using unique() The unique() function is a one-step quick solution … Read more

How to Round Numbers in R

How to Round Numbers in R

Rounding is a process of approximating a number to a shorter, simpler, and more interpretable value while retaining its closeness to the original value. For example, if you are working in the finance division, you often publish a research report on the economy, where numbers in reports often round to 2 decimal points. Here are … Read more

Converting String to Uppercase in R

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For string operations like comparing strings, data standardization, formatting output, or input validation, we may want to convert the input to uppercase (or lowercase, depending on the situation) to ensure consistency and prevent errors caused by inconsistent capitalization. The toupper() function converts a string to an upper case. It accepts an input string and converts … Read more

R names() Function

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The names() function in R gets or sets the names of objects such as vectors, lists, or data frames. If you are using it to fetch the name, it will return a character vector containing the names assigned to its elements or columns. Syntax names(obj) # To get names names(obj) <- value # To set names Parameters Name Value … Read more

Converting List to Matrix in R

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When you convert a list to a matrix, you are essentially taking the elements of a list and rearranging them into a two-dimensional structure with rows and columns. To convert a list to the matrix in R, use the matrix() function and pass the unlist() function as an argument. The unlist() function flattens a list into a … Read more

What is as.array() Function in R

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If you are working with multidimensional data in R, you should explore Arrays. Arrays are designed to store data in more than two dimensions and represent complex data structures. The as.array() function attempts to coerce the input object into an array structure. It handles various input types, including vectors, lists, data frames, etc. Syntax as.array(input_obj, … Read more