How to Remove NA From Vector in R

Removing NA values from Vector in R

A vector is a data structure that holds the same type of data. When working with real-time data, it may contain missing data, and it can be represented by NA (not available). For a proper data analysis, we need to exclude NA values from the vector. Now, you may have one question in your mind. … Read more

How to Read Excel Files in R [3 Ways]

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No matter how much technology has improved over the years for storing and sharing data, one format is still widely used in the industry: Excelsheet, which has file extensions like “.xls” or “.xlsx.“ Here are three ways to import Excel files in R: Using the readxl package (Efficient way) Using xlsx package RStudio’s Import Dataset tool For this tutorial’s … Read more

Renaming a Single Column of DataFrame in R

Featured Image of Renaming a Single Column of DataFrame in R

When you are working with real-time projects, you often come across raw datasets where columns have names like (“v1”, “var2”, and “cust_id”). These names seem very cryptic and are not descriptive. That’s why we must rename them to descriptive names (e.g., “age”, “income”, “customer_ID”), which makes the data much easier to understand at a glance. Here … Read more

How to Get Extension of a File in R

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If you want to put data validation in progress, you must identify the file type or “MIME Type” before processing. To identify the file type, we might need to check its extension. Here are two ways to get an extension of a file in R: Using the tools::file_ext() Using regular expression Method 1: Using the … Read more