R Basic

Pi in R: Built-in Constants

Pi is a built-in R constant whose value is 3.141593. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.



Visual representation

Example 1: Basic usage



[1] 3.141593

Example 2: Exponential value of pi

To calculate the exponential value of pi, use the exp() function.



[1] 23.14069

Example 3: Cos value of pi

To calculate the cosine value of pi, use the cos() function.



[1] -1

Example 4: Sine value of pi

To find the sine value of pi, use the sin() function.



[1] 1.224647e-16

Example 5: Tangent of pi

To calculate the tangent of pi, use the tan() function and pass the pi.



[1] -1.224647e-16

Example 6: Arccos value of pi

To calculate the arccos value of pi, use the acos() and pass the pi.



[1] NaN
Warning message:
In acos(pi) : NaNs produced

It returns the NaN value.

Example 7: Arcsin value of pi

To calculate the arccos value, use the asin() function.



[1] NaN
Warning message:
In asin(pi) : NaNs produced

It returns NaN too.

Example 8: Arctan value of pi

To calculate the arccos value, use the atan() function.



[1] 1.262627

That’s it!

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