Duplicate rows refer to all the values across all columns that are the same in two or more rows. To avoid redundant data, we must remove duplicates from a data frame. For example, if the same row appears three times in a data frame, we must remove two rows because they are duplicates of one original row.
Based on the requirements of our project, we have to decide which rows should be kept in the data frame and which ones should be eliminated. It can be the first or last row. If the original is the last row, we have to remove the first two rows as duplicates, and if the original is the first row, we have to remove the last two rows.
Here are three ways to remove duplicate rows in R data frame:
By default, the !duplicated() function keeps the first occurrence of the row and removes all the duplicates. The logical negation (!) helps us subsetting the data frame and keep the unique rows.
df <- data.frame(
name = c("Krunal", "Ankit", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas"),
score = c(85, 90, 78, 92, 88, 78, 92, 88),
subject = c("Math", "Math", "History", "History", "Math", "History", "History", "Math"),
grade = c("10th", "11th", "11th", "10th", "10th", "11th", "10th", "10th")
df_unique <- df[!duplicated(df), ]
You come across a functionality where you need to remove all the duplicates except the last one; you can do that by passing the “fromLast = TRUE” argument to the duplicated() function.
df <- data.frame(
name = c("Krunal", "Ankit", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas"),
score = c(85, 90, 78, 92, 88, 78, 92, 88),
subject = c("Math", "Math", "History", "History", "Math", "History", "History", "Math"),
grade = c("10th", "11th", "11th", "10th", "10th", "11th", "10th", "10th")
df_unique_last <- df[!duplicated(df, fromLast = TRUE), ]
If you want to remove all occurrences of duplicate rows, you can use the below code:
df_unique_all <- df[!(duplicated(df) | duplicated(df, fromLast = TRUE)), ]
As the name suggests, the unique() function keeps only unique rows and removes all the duplicate rows of the Data Frame.
df <- data.frame(
name = c("Krunal", "Ankit", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas"),
score = c(85, 90, 78, 92, 88, 78, 92, 88),
subject = c("Math", "Math", "History", "History", "Math", "History", "History", "Math"),
grade = c("10th", "11th", "11th", "10th", "10th", "11th", "10th", "10th")
df_unique <- unique(df)
The above image shows that row indexes 6, 7, 8 are duplicated rows, so they have been removed in the output data frame.
The dplyr::distinct() function keeps unique/distinct rows from the data frame. If there are duplicate rows, only the first row is preserved, and others are removed from a data frame.
df <- data.frame(
name = c("Krunal", "Ankit", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas", "Rushabh", "Dhaval", "Tejas"),
score = c(85, 90, 78, 92, 88, 78, 92, 88),
subject = c("Math", "Math", "History", "History", "Math", "History", "History", "Math"),
grade = c("10th", "11th", "11th", "10th", "10th", "11th", "10th", "10th")
df_unique <- df %>% distinct()
Use the following code to remove duplicate rows based on a single column(variable).
df %>% distinct(subject, .keep_all = TRUE)
If you want to consider certain columns to determine the duplicate values, you can use `df %>% distinct(col1, col2, .keep_all = TRUE)` to keep all columns but consider only col1 and col2 for duplicates.
The `.keep_all=TRUE` argument is only needed when we have to specify certain columns and want to keep the other columns in the output.
df %>% distinct(col1, col2, .keep_all = TRUE)
It will return the unique rows based on the col1 and col2 columns.
That’s all!
Krunal Lathiya is a seasoned Computer Science expert with over eight years in the tech industry. He boasts deep knowledge in Data Science and Machine Learning. Versed in Python, JavaScript, PHP, R, and Golang. Skilled in frameworks like Angular and React and platforms such as Node.js. His expertise spans both front-end and back-end development. His proficiency in the Python language stands as a testament to his versatility and commitment to the craft.
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