R gl() Function

The gl() function in R is a convenient way to generate factors with a specified pattern of levels. It stands for “generate levels”, and it is often used in creating experimental designs or during data analysis for categorizing data into groups.


gl(n, k, length = n*k, labels = seq_len(n), ordered = FALSE)


  1. n: It is an integer giving the number of levels.
  2. k: It is an integer giving the number of replications.
  3. length: It is an integer giving the length of the result.
  4. labels: It is an optional vector of labels for the resulting factor levels.
  5. ordered: It is a logical argument indicating whether the result should be ordered.

Example 1: Basic usage

Using gl() function

fact <- gl(3, 2, labels = c("Erlich", "Richard", "Gilfoyle"))



[1] Erlich Erlich Richard Richard Gilfoyle Gilfoyle
Levels: Erlich Richard Gilfoyle

Example 2: Specify labels

data <- gl(3, 4, 10, label = letters[1:12])

app <- gl(3, 4, 10, label = letters[1:12], ordered = T)


[1] a a a a b b b b c c
Levels: a b c d e f g h i j k l

[1] a a a a b b b b c c
Levels: a < b < c < d < e < f < g < h < i < j < k < l

Example 3: Changing the order of levels

Changing the order of levels

data <- c("Erlich", "Richard", "Gilfoyle", "Gilfoyle", "Erlich", "Richard")

factor_data <- factor(data)

ordered_data <- factor(factor_data, levels = c("Richard", "Erlich", "Gilfoyle"))


[1] Erlich Richard Gilfoyle Gilfoyle Erlich Richard
Levels: Erlich Gilfoyle Richard

[1] Erlich Richard Gilfoyle Gilfoyle Erlich Richard
Levels: Richard Erlich Gilfoyle

That’s it.

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